2025, SEASON 1
Training Information
Training & Games: There will be a training session each week apart from school holidays.
Venues used for training are Hibiscus Stadium (Mt Gravatt) & Eagles Sports Complex (Mansfield)
U8 - U10/U12 train as squads to focus on building strong foundations of fundamentals. Learning and mastering the fundamentals is essential in giving players a deeper understanding of the game as they build confidence and muscle memory. Mastering the basics enables players to increase their coordination while promoting consistency. A couple of great examples of how fundamentals work:
Before Allen Iverson perfected the devastating "Killer crossover", he first had to learn how to execute a regular crossover.
Before Steve Nash starting dishing out mesmerising behind-the-back passes, he first had to learn how to throw a basic chest pass.
Before Steph Curry began knocking down 30-footers from the logo, he first had to learn the basics of shooting technique.
Squad training in the early years is also highly beneficial in creating friendships and connectedness. In future seasons, players will play with a variety of new players and when they have already experienced training in squads they will already have built strong connections.
U12 - U19 individual team trainings. Once players have mastered the fundamentals, they move to team trainings where they will have the opportunities to put their skills to practice with offensive and defensive strategies. The new training schedule (In draft) is designed so that coaches have the opportunity to scrimmage with other teams in the same age group and collaborate with other coaches. Having a training schedule like this also offers the benefit to all families of planning their schedules around a set training schedule.